- 00:58: Good morning Lembongan! We’re having an early start into…
Frau Hölle (@frauhoelle) in THE WORLD THROUGH MY EYES:Good morning Lembongan! We’re having an early start into our second day on the island cause we are going to do snorkeling at 8am! And hopefully the manta rays will say hello to us � (and as I never did any snorkeling before I am SO excited!) Getting […]
- 10:05: Jeden Tag eine Überraschung
Petra Kichmann (@Metropoliscat) in Großstadtkatze.de:Die Leckerlies von Tigeria und GimCat gehören zum festen Sortiment unserer Naschereien für die Mädels. Doch meistens gibt es erst eine neue Sorte, wenn die Tüte oder Dose der gerade aktuellen leer ist. […]
- 14:34: Erblichkeit und genetische Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Autoimmunerkrankungen, die in der Kindheit ausbrechen
Andrea Kamphuis (@ak_text) in Friendly Fire:Kurze Literaturnotiz zu einem just erschienenen Artikel: Li et al. (2015): Genetic sharing and heritability of paediatric age of onset autoimmune diseases (Open Access) Quantifizierung der Erblichkeit von neun pädiatrischen, d. h. […]
- 14:39: Rezension: »Das Jubiläums-Kochbuch – Die Kochprofis 3« / Tre Torri Verlag
Nicole Rensmann in Nicole Rensmann:Nicht drei, nicht vier, sondern 10 x 10 heißt die Zauberformel des dritten Bandes der Kochprofis. Zehn Jahre sorgen Frank, Andi, Ole und – seit einigen Jahren auch – Nils dafür, dass es in Restaurants besser schmeckt. […]
- 16:54: My husband had this “Amazing Acai Brazilian Bowl”…
Frau Hölle (@frauhoelle) in THE WORLD THROUGH MY EYES:My husband had this “Amazing Acai Brazilian Bowl” for breakfast today and I was totally envious � There is frozen dragon fruit smoothie (with this crazy pink color!) hidden at the bottom and home made muesli, coconut, […]
- 17:17: This is it. Been snorkeling for the very first time in my life…
Frau Hölle (@frauhoelle) in THE WORLD THROUGH MY EYES:This is it. Been snorkeling for the very first time in my life and had the most memorable experience ever! � During 5 hours we made 4 stops in different bays, trying to catch a manta or something similar in size. […]
- 17:29: This is where our snorkeling adventure started: at the…
Frau Hölle (@frauhoelle) in THE WORLD THROUGH MY EYES:This is where our snorkeling adventure started: at the picturesque sandy beach of Jungut Batu � It’s just around the corner of @tigerlillyslembongan so you don’t have to walk back long with your wet suits still on. […]
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